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On-demand Webinar

Leveraging AI and Analytics to Revolutionize the Customer Service Experience


consumers expect customer service agents to know their unique needs and expectations


customers will switch to a competitor after a frustrating customer service experience


customer service leaders plan to invest in more AI capabilities over the next two years

With the increasing number of customer-facing platforms, customer expectations are also growing. Today, understanding and solving customer needs heavily depends on leveraging customer interaction data and personalizing the customer service experience.

In this webinar, learn how to proactively exceed customer expectations using AI and Analytics in Customer Service.

By the end of this session, you will find yourself equipped with

  • A Deep Understanding of how predictive analytics and AI anticipate customer needs
  • Personalization Strategies to tailor customer interactions and enhance satisfaction
  • Real-world Case Studies showcasing successful AI and Analytics implementation
  • Integration Strategies to seamlessly integrate AI with existing customer service systems
  • Emerging Trends to stay ahead and secure a competitive edge for your organization

Join AI Practice Lead Inanc Cakiroglu in conversation with host Katy Unger and harness the full power of AI and Analytics to transform your customer service strategy.

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  • A Deep Understanding of how predictive analytics and AI anticipate customer needs
  • Personalization Strategies to tailor customer interactions and enhance satisfaction
  • Real-world Case Studies showcasing successful AI and Analytics implementation
  • Integration Strategies to seamlessly integrate AI with existing customer service systems
  • Emerging Trends to stay ahead and secure a competitive edge for your organization

Join AI Practice Lead Inanc Cakiroglu in conversation with host Katy Unger and harness the full power of AI and Analytics to transform your customer service strategy.

Inanc Cakiroglu

AI Practice Lead at mobileLIVE

With 25+ years of IT experience in data, analytics, and AI and serving leading roles at a major European telecom, Inanc is dedicated to driving innovation by leveraging technology to solve complex IT challenges.
