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Design Systems: Better Development, Faster, and for Less

There is undeniable value in a Design System; just look at what we titled this webinar. However, looking again at that title, you may notice something – the word Development. Despite how beloved Design Systems are by Designers, they are not the only recipient of its value.

Implementing and benefiting from Design Systems hinges on the heavy lifting from Development teams. And in this webinar, you’ll learn not only how to mitigate challenges but:

  • How Design Systems improve user experience, especially for multi-branded experiences
  • The benefits of developing reusable UI blocks (hint: it’s time, effort and cost)
  • How Design & Dev collaboration improves output & delivery
  • Utilizing a common design language between Design & Dev
  • Effective collaboration between Design, Dev, QA, and more!
  • Quantifying the benefits over conventional development methods
  • Setting & scaling your design system across the organization
  • And more!


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